Italy On Screen Today



Source: Tg2 (from minute 14:08)   |   1 December 2019
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Premio Vento d'Europa a Bellocchio e Favino

Source: Cinecittà News   |   2 December 2019
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ITALY ON SCREEN TODAY - Dall'8 all'11 dicembre

Source:   |   2 November 2018
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Italian film festival Italy on Screen Today returns to New York and Miami to feature the best and brightest of Italian contemporary cinema

Source: We the Italians   |   28 November 2018
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Cinema: a New York e Miami il festival che celebra l'estro italiano

Source: Agenzia AGI   |   30 November 2018
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Italian film festival Italy on Screen Today returns to New York and Miami

Source: La voce di New York   |   1 December 2018
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Italy on Screen Today Returns to New York and Miami

Source: I-Italy   |   1 December 2018
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Italy On Screen Today Brings Valeria Golino to NY and Miami!

Source: I love Italian movies   |   1 December 2018
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Italian film festival Italy on Screen Today returns to New York and Miami to feature the best and brightest of Italian contemporary cinema

Source: The Culture News   |   3 December 2018
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STATI UNITI | 'Italy on Screen Today' torna a New York e Miami per presentare i migliori film del cinema italiano contemporaneo

Source: Patrimonio Italiano TV   |   3 December 2018
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